Thursday, July 21, 2016

Incline Village real estate: Lakeview subdivision spots worth the premium - Sierra Sun Newspaper

Here is an informative article about one of Incline's most popular subdivisions.

Credit for authorship goes to Don Kanare and Sabrina Belleci of ReMax Realty.

"With only a finite number of homes in the low elevation sector of our community, demand generally outstrips supply for those properties that exhibit a great location, outstanding architecture, superior remodeling or a combination of all three.

The ability to walk to Lakeshore Drive and the beaches plus the proximity to local shops, restaurants and businesses, makes the Lakeview subdivision of Incline Village an extremely desirable place in which to live.

The name of this subdivision could be considered somewhat of a misnomer since most of the properties have little to no view of Lake Tahoe. The relatively gentle slope of the land combined with the density of the trees, size and positioning of the homes, results in filtered views and peeks of the Lake, with the occasional nice view looking south across Tahoe."
Link to entire article:  Incline Village real estate: Lakeview subdivision spots worth the premium - Tahoe Bonanza / Sierra Sun Newspaper

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