The most recent sale was 141 Village, unit 17, Village Highlands, on 3-25-11. The ask price was $725,000 and the sale price was $725,000. Village Highlands condos are popular because they are relatively large, just over 2,300 s.f. and contain three bedrooms, three baths and an attached two car garage. The complex is very well located. Incline Beach is just a few hundred yards away, the Hyatt Regency Lake Tahoe, about one quarter of a mile. The units are built in town home row style. They are not stacked. Village Highlands units are very good rentals, either vacation, seasonal or long term. The complex is definitely on my list of best complexes in which to own a condo in Incline.
The sales price is a new low for the project. At one point in 2008, unit 21 sold for a high price of $1,450,000. It was completely remodeled and better located than unit 17. Currently there are no listings in the MLS for units in Village Highlands.
The sales price is a new low for the project. At one point in 2008, unit 21 sold for a high price of $1,450,000. It was completely remodeled and better located than unit 17. Currently there are no listings in the MLS for units in Village Highlands.
If you would like additional information regarding Incline Village condo sales please write me at